Editors' Letter (Less Is More Pin)

Editors' Letter

L < S S  IS  M > R E


A little less cynicism, a lot more optimism.


A lot less inaction, a lot more pro-activism.


A little less self-doubt, a little more courage.


A lot less angst, a lot more self-acceptance.


A lot less maybe, a lot more hell yes…!


A little less stuff, a lot more meaning.


What can you do less of ….?


What will you do more of … ?


You can say it with words or you can say it with actions. Sometimes the less you say the better, or actually maybe say it another way.

We’re excited to launch our collaboration with PINTRILL - a Brooklyn based brand with a knack for outing with irreverence our most current thoughts through a pin. 

It's not just any pin mind you, but a pin that captures contemporary culture and lets you own it, wearing it on your sleeve so that the message enters a room before your words. 

This is our first foray beyond outerwear, and we couldn't be more excited! We love experimenting with different mediums to share our message and work. The team behind PINTRILL have harnessed a razor sharp wit to allow each of us to express the tribes we belong to. This is meme culture at it's best and we're honoured to be able to share this project with you.

 Buy the pin


 @perse.london @pintrill

